Kacie & John (JR)

September 28, 2024 • Meeker, CO

Kacie & John (JR)

September 28, 2024 • Meeker, CO

Our Story

Our Story

JR and Kacie first met in the beginning of 2019. Their first date was March 17th, which for you that don't know is JR's birthday/St. Patrick's Day. They spent that time, eating amazing hibachi, JR getting his butt kicked in bowling, and many, many laughs. After dating long distance for a couple months, they decided to part ways, but if you ask JR, Kacie ghosted him, and even though that might be true there is still a happy ending to this story.

After 2 years of living their lives separately, they "met" again with online dating. JR was in town for his families annual pig roast and they immediately hit it off again. This time the long distance was much farther with JR in Texas and Kacie in Colorado.

When Kacie got the chance to take a travel nurse position in Midland, TX which was 50 miles away from JR's town Pecos, TX she took it. So in December of 2021, JR and Kacie were now in the same state and continuing with their story. They spent 2 years in Texas, travelling around, enjoying the authentic food, and spending time on the golf course. Both of them still felt the pull to come home to Colorado to be closer to both families and that opportunity presented itself the fall of 2023, and they took it together. Another opportunity presented itself to both of them, but in that moment only JR knew it. On November 2nd of 2023, JR tricked Kacie into going to a dinner surrounded by her parents John and Stacie and his parents Stanley and Vicki and got down on one knee and proposed. Of course, Kacie said yes. This special moment was able to be shared with some of the most important people in their lives. Since moving back to Meeker, CO they both have started jobs. JR is a plant operator at Enterprise Products and Kacie is a registered nurse at Pioneers Medical Center. They have started a business together along with Stanley and Vicki and have made it through calving season with their mini cows. They both are enjoying the time they get to spend with both sides of family.

On September 28th of 2024 will be another very important day in their lives and they can't wait to share it with all of you.